یکسری از این دستورات قبلا هم گذاشتم ولی دقیقا نمیدونم کدوم کدا رو گذاشتم . اینا رو توی یک وبلاگ دیدم یک جورایی کپی برداری ولی چون صفحه رو ذخیره کرده بودم ادرس وبلاگ نتونستم پیدا کنم
ممکن روزی به درد بخورن
1.Open/close CD ROM
Uses mmsystem;
mciSendString('Set cdaudio door open wait', nil, 0, handle); to open
mciSendString('Set cdaudio door closed wait', nil, 0, handle); to close
2.Monitor stand by
Uses Shellapi;
SendMessage(Application.Handle, wm_SysCommand, SC_MonitorPower, 0) ;
3.Hide/show application on task bar
Uses Shellapi;
ShowWindow(application.handle, SW_hide); to hide
ShowWindow(application.handle, SW_restore); to show
4.Hide/show application on task list (task display when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del)
function RegisterServiceProcess(idProcess,dwType : Integer):Integer; stdcall; external 'KERNEL32.Dll';
on your event handler
RegisterServiceProcess(GetCurrentProcessID, 0); to show
RegisterServiceProcess(GetCurrentProcessID, 1); to hide
5.Hide/show start button
Uses Shellapi;
ShowWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_traywnd',nil),0,'Button',nil),1); to show
ShowWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_traywnd',nil),0,'Button',nil),0); to hide
EnableWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_traywnd',nil),0,'Button',nil),True); to enable start button
EnableWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_traywnd',nil),0,'Button',nil),False); to disable start button
6.Hide/show task bar
Uses Shellapi;
ShowWindow(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),1); to show
ShowWindow(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),0); to hide
EnableWindow(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),True); enable task bar
EnableWindow(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),False); disable task bar
7.Hide/show desktop
Uses Shellapi;
ShowWindow(FindWindow('progman',nil),1); to show
ShowWindow(FindWindow('progman',nil),0); to hide
EnableWindow(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),True); to enable desktop
EnableWindow(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),False); to disable desktop
8.Hide/show clock
Uses Shellapi;
ShowWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),0,'TrayNotifyWnd',nil),0,'TrayClockWClass',nil),1); to show
ShowWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('shell_traywnd',nil),0,'TrayNotifyWnd',nil),0,'TrayClockWClass',nil),0); to hide
9.Shutdown/restart windows
Uses Shellapi;
ExitWindowsEx(ewx_Shutdown,0); to shutdown
ExitWindowsEx(ewx_Reboot,0); to restart
ExitWindowsEx(ewx_Poweroff,0); to off your computer power
10.Scrolling Caption
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
var j : Integer;
MyString: String;
ScrollingCap: string;
MyString := form1.Caption; //gives the title of your form that sits on the tastbar the caption of your form
for j := 1 to Length(Scrollingcap) do //going from 1 to the length of chars in Scrollingcap
ScrollingCap[j] := MyString[j + 1];
ScrollingCap[Length(ScrollingCap)] := MyString[1];
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);