برنامه نویس

به وبلاگ خودتان خوش آمدید.

برنامه نویس

به وبلاگ خودتان خوش آمدید.

یکسری دستورات کاربردی به اسمبلی

در ادامه مطلب میتونید این بحث ببینید

StdGrp  group stdlib,stddata
stddata  segment para public 'sldata'
stddata  ends
stdlib  segment para public 'slcode'
  assume cs:stdgrp
; AddChar- Unions a character into a set.
; inputs:
; ES:DI-  Points at the set (at its mask byte).
; AL- Character to union into the set.
  public sl_AddChar
sl_AddChar proc far
  push ax
  push bx
  mov bl, al
                mov bh, 0
  mov al, es:[di]  ;Get mask byte
  or es:8[di][bx], al ;Add to set
  pop bx
  pop ax
sl_AddChar endp
stdlib  ends




StdGrp  group stdlib,stddata
stddata  segment para public 'sldata'
stddata  ends
stdlib  segment para public 'slcode'
  assume cs:stdgrp
; AddChar- Unions a character into a set.
; inputs:
; ES:DI-  Points at the set (at its mask byte).
; AL- Character to union into the set.
  public sl_AddChar
sl_AddChar proc far
  push ax
  push bx
  mov bl, al
                mov bh, 0
  mov al, es:[di]  ;Get mask byte
  or es:8[di][bx], al ;Add to set
  pop bx
  pop ax
sl_AddChar endp
stdlib  ends





StdGrp  group stdlib,stddata
stddata  segment para public 'sldata'
stddata  ends
stdlib  segment para public 'slcode'
  assume cs:stdgrp
; AddStr- Unions into a set the characters in a string.
; inputs:
; ES:DI-  Points at the set (at its mask byte).
; DX:SI- Points at the string.
  public sl_AddStr
sl_AddStr proc far
  push ds
  push ax
  push bx
  push si
                push di
  mov ds, dx
  mov al, es:[di]  ;Get mask byte
  add di, 8   ;Skip to start of set
  mov bh, 0
                jmp IntoLp
BldLp:  or es:[di][bx], al  ;Add to set
  inc si   ;Move on to next char.
IntoLp:  mov bl, [si]
  cmp bl, 0
  jnz BldLp
  pop di
  pop si
  pop bx
  pop ax
  pop ds
sl_AddStr endp
stdlib  ends



StdGrp  group stdlib,stddata
stddata  segment para public 'sldata'
stddata  ends
stdlib  segment para public 'slcode'
  assume cs:stdgrp
; AddStrl- Unions into a set the characters in the string immediately
;  following the CALL.
; inputs:
; ES:DI-  Points at the set (at its mask byte).
  public sl_AddStrl
sl_AddStrl proc far
  push bp
  mov bp, sp
  push ds
  push es
  push ax
  push bx
  push cx
  push si
                push di
  mov si, di
  mov ax, es
  mov ds, ax
  les di, 2[bp]
  mov al, 0
  mov cx, 0ffffh
 repne scasb
  xchg 2[bp], di
  mov al, [si]  ;Get mask byte
  add si, 8   ;Skip to start of set
  mov bh, 0
                jmp IntoLp
BldLp:  or [si][bx], al  ;Add to set
  inc di   ;Move on to next char.
IntoLp:  mov bl, es:[di]
  cmp bl, 0
  jnz BldLp
  pop di
  pop si
  pop cx
  pop bx
  pop ax
  pop es
  pop ds
  pop bp
sl_AddStrl endp
stdlib  ends



StdGrp  group stdlib,stddata
stddata  segment para public 'sldata'
stddata  ends
stdlib  segment para public 'slcode'
  assume cs:stdgrp
  extrn sl_putc:far
  public sl_print
sl_print proc far
  push bp
  mov bp, sp  
  push ax
  push es
  push bx
  les bx, 2[bp] ;Get return address
  jmp short TestZero
PrintLoop: call sl_Putc
  inc bx
TestZero: mov al, es:[bx]
  cmp al, 0
  jnz PrintLoop
  inc bx
  mov 2[bp], bx
  pop bx
  pop es
  pop ax
  pop bp
sl_print endp
stdlib  ends



StdGrp  group stdlib,stddata
stddata  segment para public 'sldata'
stddata  ends
stdlib  segment para public 'slcode'
  assume cs:stdgrp
  extrn sl_Putc:far, sl_Puti:far, sl_ISize:far
  extrn sl_Putw:far, sl_Puth:far
  extrn sl_Putu:far, sl_PutUL:far, sl_ULSize:far
  extrn sl_LSize:far, sl_USize:far, sl_PutL:far
putc  equ sl_putc
puti  equ sl_puti
ISize  equ sl_ISize
putw  equ sl_putw
puth  equ sl_puth
putu  equ sl_putu
putul  equ sl_putul
ulsize  equ sl_ulsize
lsize  equ sl_lsize
usize  equ sl_usize
putl  equ sl_putl
; Printf- Like the "C" routine by the same name.  Calling sequence:
;               call    printf
;               db      "format string",0
;               dd      item1, item2, ..., itemn
; The format string is identical to "C".  Item1..Itemn are pointers to
; values to print for this string.  Each item must be matched by the
; corresponding "%xxx" item in the format string.
; Format string format:
; 1)    All characters, except the following, are printed to the standard
;       output as-is.
; 2)    "\" is the escape character.  Anything following it is printed
;       as-is except standard "C" values like \r, \n, \b, \t, etc.  If
;       a decimal digit follows the back-slash, printf assumes that this
;       is a hexadecimal number and converts following three digits to
;       an ASCII character and prints it.  Other back-slash operators are
;       just like those for "C".
; 3) Format Control Strings:
; General format:  "%s\cn^f" where:
;    s = -
;    n = a decimal integer
;    c = a fill character
;    ^ = ^
;    f = a format character
;   All fields except "%" and "f" are optional.
; s = -    Left justify value and use fill character.
; \c present Use "c" as fill character.
; n present Use "n" as the minimum field width.
; ^ present The address associated with f is the address of a
;    pointer to the object, not the address of
;    the object itself.  The pointer is a far ptr.
; f is one of the following
;  d - Print signed integer in decimal notation.
;  i - Print signed integer in decimal notation.
;  x - Print word value in hexadecimal notation.
;  h - Print byte value in hexadecimal notation.
;  u - Print unsigned integer in decimal notation.
;  c - Print character.
;  s - Print string.
;  ld- Print long signed integer.
;  li- Print long unsigned integer.
;  lx- Print long hexadecimal number.
;  lu- Print long unsigned number.
; Calling Sequence:
;  call Printf
;  db "Format String",0
;  dd adrs1, adrs2, ..., adrsn
; Where the format string is ala "C" (and the descriptions above)
; and adrs1..adrsn are addresses (far ptr) to the items to print.
; Unless the "^" modifier is present, these addresses are the actual
; addresses of the objects to print.
cr  equ 0dh
ff  equ 0ch
lf  equ 0ah
tab  equ 09h
bs  equ 08h
RtnAdrs  equ 2[bp]
  public  sl_printf
sl_printf proc    far
  push bp
  mov bp, sp
  push ax
  push bx
  push cx
  push dx
  push di
  push si
  push es
  push ds
; Get pointers to the return address (format string).
  les di, RtnAdrs
  lds si, RtnAdrs
; Okay, search for the end of the format string.  After these instructions,
; di points just beyond the zero byte at the end of the format string.  This,
; of course, points at the first address beyond the format string.
  mov al, 0
  mov cx, 65535
 repne scasb
PrintItems: lodsb   ;Get char si points at.
  cmp al, 0  ;EOS?
  jz PrintfDone
  cmp al, "%"  ;Start of a format string?
  jz FmtItem
  cmp al, "\"  ;Escape character?
  jnz PrintIt
  call GetEscChar
PrintIt: call Putc
  jmp PrintItems
FmtItem: call GetFmtItem ;Process the format item here.
  jmp PrintItems
PrintfDone: mov RtnAdrs, di ;Put out new return address.
  pop ds
  pop es
  pop si
  pop di
  pop dx
  pop cx
  pop bx
  pop ax
  pop bp
sl_printf       endp
; GetEscChar- Handles items immediately following the escape character "\".
; Special escape characters (upper/lower case is acceptable):
;  n Newline (cr/lf)
;  t tab
;  b backspace
;  r return
;  l line feed
;  f formfeed
;  \ \
;  % &
;  0xhh Char with hex character code hh.  Must have exactly
;   two hexadecimal digits.
GetEscChar proc near
  lodsb   ;Get next character
  cmp al, 'n'
  je RtnNL
  cmp al, 'N'
  je RtnNL
  cmp al, 't'
  je RtnTab
  cmp al, 'T'
  je RtnTab
  cmp al, 'b'
  je RtnBS
  cmp al, 'B'
  je RtnBS
  cmp al, 'r'
  je RtnRtn
  cmp al, 'R'
  je RtnRtn
  cmp al, 'l'
  je RtnLF
  cmp al, 'L'
  je RtnLF
  cmp al, 'f'
  je RtnFF
  cmp al, 'F'
  je RtnFF
; Check for the presence of a 0xhh value here:
  cmp al, '0'
  jne RtnChar
  cmp byte ptr [si], 'x'
  je GetHex
  cmp byte ptr [si], 'X'
  jne RtnChar
; Okay, process the hex value here.  Note that exactly two hex digits must
; follow the 0x.
GetHex:  inc si  ;Point at first hex digit.
  lodsb   ;Get first hex digit.
  and al, 05fh ;l.c. -> u.c.
  cmp al, 'A'
  jb GotIt
  sub al, '7'
GotIt:  shl al, 1  ;Put into H.O. nibble.
  shl al, 1
  shl al, 1
  shl al, 1
  mov ah, al  ;Save for later
  lodsb   ;Get next char.
  and al, 05fh
  cmp al, 'A'
  jb GotIt2
  sub al, '7'
GotIt2:  and al, 0fh
  or al, ah
  ret   ;Return hex constant.
; RtnNL (return Newline) cheats.  It needs to return two characters.
; Since GetEscChar only returns a single character, this code goes ahead
; and calls putc to output the CR and the returns the LF.
RtnNL:  mov al, cr
  call Putc
  mov al, lf
RtnTab:  mov al, tab
RtnBS:  mov al, bs
RtnRtn:  mov al, cr
RtnLF:  mov al, lf
RtnFF:  mov al, ff
RtnChar: ret
GetEscChar endp
GetFmtItem proc near
  lodsb    ;Get char beyond "%"
  mov cx, 1   ;Default field width is 1.
  mov dl, 0   ;Default is right justified
  mov dh, ' '   ;Default fill char is space.
  mov ah, ' '   ;Assume straight ptr, not handle.
; See if the user wants the value left justified:
  cmp al, '-'
  jne NotLeftJust
  inc dl   ;Set to right justified
  lodsb    ;Get next character.
; See if the user wants to change the padding character.
NotLeftJust: cmp al, '\'
  jne NoPadChange
  lodsb    ;Get Padding Character.
  mov dh, al   ;Save padding character.
  lodsb    ;Get next character
; See if the user wants a different field width:
NoPadChange: cmp al, '0'
  jb NoFldWidth
  cmp al, '9'
  ja NoFldWidth
  call GetDecVal
; See if the user wants to specify a handle rather than a straight pointer
NoFldWidth: cmp al, '^'
  jne     ChkFmtChars
  mov ah, al
  lodsb    ;Skip "^" character
; Okay, process the format characters down here.
ChkFmtChars: and al, 05fh  ;l.c. -> U.C.
  cmp al, 'D'
  je PrintDec
  cmp al, 'I'
  je PrintDec
  cmp al, 'C'
  je PrintChar
  cmp al, 'X'
  jne TryH
  jmp PrintHexWord
TryH:  cmp al, 'H'
  jne TryU
  jmp PrintHexByte
TryU:  cmp al, 'U'
  jne TryString
  jmp PrintUDec
TryString: cmp al, 'S'
  jne TryLong
  jmp PrintString
TryLong:  cmp al, 'L'
  jne Default
; If we've got the "L" modifier, this is a long value to print, get the
; data type character as the next value:
  and al, 05fh  ;l.c. -> U.C.
  cmp al, 'D'
  je JmpDec
  cmp al, 'I'
  jne TryLU
JmpDec:  jmp LongDec
TryLU:  cmp al, 'U'
  jne TryX
  jmp LongU
TryX:  cmp al, 'X'
  jne Default
  jmp LongX
; If none of the above, simply return without printing anything.
Default:  ret
; Print a signed decimal value here.
PrintDec: call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Get value to print.
  call ISize   ;Get the size of this guy.
  sub cx, ax        ;Compute padding
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Retrieve value to print.
  js NoPadDec  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustDec
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  call Puti   ;Print the integer
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustDec: call Puti
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadDec: call Puti
; Print a character variable here.
PrintChar: call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  mov al, es:[bx]  ;Retrieve value to print.
                dec cx
  js NoPadChar  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustChar
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  call Putc   ;Print the character
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustChar: call Putc
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified character here:
NoPadChar: call Putc
; Print a hexadecimal word value here.
PrintHexWord: call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Get value to print.
  sub cx, 4   ;Compute padding
  js NoPadHexW  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustHexW
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  call Putw   ;Print the hex value
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustHexW: call Putw
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadHexW: call Putw
; Print hex bytes here.
PrintHexByte: call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Get value to print.
  sub cx, 2   ;Compute padding
  js NoPadHexB  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustHexB
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  call Puth   ;Print the hex value
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustHexB: call Puth
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadHexB: call Puth
; Output unsigned decimal numbers here:
PrintUDec: call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Get value to print.
  call USize   ;Get the size of this guy.
  sub cx, ax        ;Compute padding
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Retrieve value to print.
  js NoPadUDec  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustUDec
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  call Putu   ;Print the integer
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustUDec: call Putu
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadUDec: call Putu
; Output a string here:
PrintString: call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
; Compute the length of the string:
  push di
  push cx
  mov cx, -1
  mov di, bx
  mov al, 0
 repne scasb
  mov ax, cx
  neg ax
  dec ax
  dec ax
  pop cx
  pop di
  sub cx, ax   ;Field width - String Length.
  js NoPadStr  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustStr
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  call Puts   ;Print the string
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustStr: call Puts
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadStr: call Puts
GetFmtItem endp
; Print a signed long decimal value here.
LongDec: call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Get value to print.
  push dx
  mov dx, es:2[bx]
  call LSize   ;Get the size of this guy.
  pop dx
  sub cx, ax        ;Compute padding
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Retrieve value to print.
  js NoPadLong  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustLong
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  mov dx, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call PutL   ;Print the integer
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustLong: push dx
  mov dx, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call PutL
  pop dx
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadLong: mov dx, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call Putl
; Print an unsigned long decimal value here.
LongU:  call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Get value to print.
  push dx
  mov dx, es:[bx]
  call ULSize   ;Get the size of this guy.
  pop dx
  sub cx, ax        ;Compute padding
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Retrieve value to print.
  js NoPadULong  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustULong
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  mov dx, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call PutUL   ;Print the integer
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustULong: push dx
  mov dx, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call PutUL
  pop dx
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadULong: mov dx, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call Putul
; Print a long hexadecimal value here.
LongX:  call GetPtr   ;Get next pointer into ES:BX
  sub cx, 8   ;Compute padding
  js NoPadXLong  ;Is CX negative?
  cmp dl, 0   ;Right justified?
  jne LeftJustXLong
  call PrintPad  ;Print padding characters
  mov ax, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call Putw
  mov ax, es:[bx]
  call Putw
  ret    ;We're done!
; Print left justified value here.
LeftJustxLong: mov ax, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call Putw
  mov ax, es:[bx]  ;Get L.O. word
  call Putw
  call PrintPad
; Print non-justified value here:
NoPadxLong: mov ax, es:2[bx]  ;Get H.O. word
  call Putw
  mov ax, es:[bx]
  call Putw
; Puts- Outputs the zero terminated string pointed at by ES:BX.
Puts  proc near
PutsLp:  mov al, es:[bx]
  cmp al, 0
  je PutsDone
  call putc
  inc bx
  jmp PutsLp
PutsDone: ret
Puts  endp
; PrintPad- Prints padding characters.  Character to print is in DH.
;  We must print it CX times.  CX must be greater than zero.
PrintPad proc near
  push ax
  mov al, dh
  jcxz NoPadding
PPLoop:  call Putc
  loop PPLoop
NoPadding: pop ax
PrintPad endp
; GetPtr- Grabs the next pointer which DS:DI points at and returns this
;   far pointer in ES:BX.
GetPtr  proc near
  les bx, [di]
  add di, 4
; See if this is a handle rather than a pointer.
  cmp ah, '^'
  jne NotHandle
  les bx, es:[bx]
NotHandle: ret
GetPtr  endp
; GetDecVal- Converts the string of decimal digits in AL and [SI] into
;  an integer and returns this integer in CX.
GetDecVal proc near
  push dx
  dec si
  xor cx, cx
DecLoop: lodsb
  cmp al, '0'
  jb NoMore
  cmp al, '9'
  ja NoMore
  and al, 0fh
  shl cx, 1   ;Compute CX := CX*10 + al
  mov dx, cx
  shl cx, 1
  shl cx, 1
  add cx, dx
  add cl, al
  adc ch, 0
  jmp DecLoop
NoMore:  pop dx
GetDecVal endp
stdlib  ends

نظرات 1 + ارسال نظر
برانامه نویس ها سه‌شنبه 20 اسفند‌ماه سال 1392 ساعت 06:21 ب.ظ http://htto://www.programmerha.ir

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